Audi has elevated automotive lighting to an art form, fulfilling an essential practical and safety function, but also becoming an integral design element that is immediately associated with the brand.

23 May, 2022

From the meagre light of paraffin lamps way back in 1903 to laser lights probing more than half a kilometre ahead of the car and turning night into day – few technologies are as easily recognisable as that of automotive lighting. Audi has long been a leader in the field, not stopping at the practical and safety considerations of better and better lighting technology, but incorporating lighting into the very design of its vehicles.

Today, the Audi lighting signatures on each model have become as distinctive as the body style and design, making them instantly recognisable day and night as well as delivering superior illumination and performing more and more complicated functions that further add to their utility.

From its lighting centre located seven stories underground in Ingolstadt, Audi light engineers continue to push the boundaries as they explore the seemingly limitless possibilities of digital LED technology and its applications in future mobility.